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“It’s been a great opportunity to have conversations with colleagues across the organisation both in the little conversations that took place across the country and in The Conversation, that brought 120 colleagues together in York for a day of talking, but most importantly listening.
Now I love a conversation just for the sake of it, you never know where it will take you or what you will learn, but these were conversations with purpose, to define and determine the direction for the coming years.
What we learnt from all of the conversations was that there is some big stuff that we need to hold on to. Our purpose remains unchanged, we’re still here to help, we are still a charity where people support people, and what came loud and clear was that people think that the services that we run are quality, and that the charity tries to support all of the people in our community, both the people that we are here to serve and our colleagues.
What was new was that we need to up our game in being known for being good at what we do so that we can be better at influencing others, both in the charity sector and policy makers.
The new strategy is the shape it is because of the conversations. It’s a start. We’ve set our new strategic direction, now we just need to deliver on it.
Paul Bott
Chief Executive