SJOG Policies

Why we have them!

Lisa Alcorn
Chief Operations Officer

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I thought it would be useful to explain the importance of policies. They inform us all about how we need to work. They provide up to date information about changes to legislation, inform us about best practice and through our values, influence our conduct, behaviours and attitudes.

Most of all, policies help us to remain safe and current in our practice.

So how do we govern this in SJOG?

  • Organisationally, we have a policy register which contains every policy within the charity.
  • Each policy has a unique reference number which Karen Gilroy manages.
  • The policy register contains some vital information so that we can control who does what.
  • Each policy has a lead author who monitors the policy, amends and updates when required.
  • Each policy has a review cycle which is dependent upon its importance and what is considered good practice. For example, the Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy & Child Protection Policy are reviewed annually by Lisa Alcorn, as she is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the charity.
  • Policies also have a version control so that we can ensure we have evidence of each version, and what has changed. It's all about demonstrating transparency of information.

SJOG portal

What you see is a policy on the SJOG portal that is up to date and current. The front page informs you of this. There’s a lot of work that goes on in the background that we probably don’t see.

Thinking ahead into 2024 we are co-producing policies (and procedures) more with the Advisory Council, and we would like more people involved in reviewing policies. So, if you are interested let us know.

Recent policies reviewed and in need of a read from colleagues are:

  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
  • Child Protection
  • Eviction (MDST)
  • Outcome Focused Support Planning
  • Mental Capacity & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  • End of Life

You’ll find the portal at:

Lisa Alcorn
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