Summer 2023


Welcome to SJOG’s online newsletter sharing information and celebrating achievements across the charity. Scroll horizontally to view different articles and scroll vertically using your mouse or trackpad to read each article in full. To see all the articles at a glance – please click the menu icon top left.

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Guest Editor - Natalie Richardson

My name is Natalie and I am so proud to be the first guest editor of SJOG’s News Hub.

I currently reside at Dalby View in Middlesbrough and have been an active member of the SJOG Advisory Council for the past year. I was also involved in developing the People’s Charter which you can read a bit more about below.

This newsletter really shows the SJOG People’s Standards are at the heart of everything that the charity does. I love that because the Charter is actively being used and promoted; it’s not just a piece of paper. It’s making a difference. That is something I am really proud of.

Having sat and looked through the first edition of this newsletter, a number of areas jumped out at me that I particularly loved and smiled at. By far the best are the pictures of people supported in SJOG. People are happy and have active lives with purpose. I for one can vouch for that. People really do have a great life when supported by SJOG.

What I also see is the importance that SJOG gives to diversity. I am interested in this because I like to talk to people from different backgrounds and countries. I like to listen and learn. It is rather impressive that we have over 40 different language spoken in the charity – that’s amazing and I am sure it helps people to live in a country where English is not their first language. This must contribute to the success of services.

Photo of Natalie

For me this newsletter helps me to learn about what SJOG does, but also understand how the charity works. It certainly gives me peace of mind that I am living somewhere that values me and my opinion. I can also see from these stories how SJOG keeps us all safe and well by undertaking research and designing new ways of working – I love this as I am a keen learner and constantly thrive to do better.

The People’s Standards below have a set of 12 standards and I am so proud to see these standards being promoted in lots of ways in SJOG’s News Hub. So to everyone out there, have a read, enjoy and be proud of what we are achieving.

Regards, Natalie x

SJOG People's charter
SJOG People's charter
SJOG People's charter
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